Whether you are facing charges for drug distribution, possession, burglary, assault, or felony possession of a firearm; chances are we have proven the innocence of someone in nearly the exact same situation in the past. Our attorneys have served as defense counsel, judges, and public defenders. We know what it takes to make sure that arresting officers, prosecutors and investigators play by the rules and respect each and every one of YOUR Constitutional rights as an American citizen. Make sure that any attorney you consider for representation treats your matter as if it were his or her own.

Criminal DWI and Traffic
We have a team of attorneys and support staff who have vast knowledge and experience in the area of DWI/DUI law. We have a healthy respect for the importance of these cases and put great emphasis on treating our DWI clients as if they were dear friends or family members. We work your case from top to bottom and involve you in the process.
After all, one of our partners (former judge) fought his own DWI all the way through a jury trial and was found innocent in 9 minutes. We know how worrisome a DWI can be. Visit our DWI website (DIDYOUBLOW®.com) for more information on the many different aspects of DWI cases.

Driving While Suspended / Driving While Revoked
Driving While Suspended or Revoked is a much more serious charge than many people realize. Simply pleading guilty to such a charge will result in a one year revocation of your license, 12 points on your driving record, and can even require mandatory jail time.
In many cases, we can help you have your DWS/DWR charges amended so that you can avoid the points, the one-year revocation, and spending any time in jail. Visit our DrivingWhileSuspended.com Website for more information on the many different aspects of DWI cases.

Warrants Recalled
We get Warrants Recalled all the time. Warrants can be a real issue if you possibly forgot to pay a traffic ticket or simply have an alleged new charge against you that starts with a bond/warrant requirement. Traffic Law Counselors® has relationships with the 100 + courts in the St. Louis/Charles/Lincoln/Jefferson metro area that allow us to expedite the process of having your WARRANT RECALLED.
This can be a very nice and convenient attorney service considering that most often you will not have to go through the arrest and booking processes. Often times clients get a hold of us just before the weekend because they don't want get picked up when courts are closed and judges aren't available. If you can help it, don't wait because it can be harder on Fridays for us to get your WARRANT QUASHED. Call us if you need a Warrant recalled 314-895-4040

Warrants Recalled
Routine Traffic Court Information
Our traffic law divisions started in response to the many many traffic-ticket calls we receive through Carter Law Offices' community Time and Temperature service at 321-2522. Traffic Law Counselors® is a subdivision of Carter Law Offices LLC, which handles real estate and other select legal matters.
We work for our clients the way we would for ourselves. If there is a legal matter outside of our normal expertise that requires expert analysis, we consult and work with our statewide network of attorneys.
Most importantly, our clients indicate their appreciation of the "included" experience of working with Traffic Law Counselors®. This results from the team relationship we strive for. The most optimal legal outcomes can only be realized when clients are truly part of the process.
We suggest you call any time you want to check on your matter's status.
Please contact us , so that we might discuss your legal needs.
We have a team of attorneys and support staff who have vast knowledge and experience in the area of DWI/DUI law. We have a healthy respect for the importance of these cases and put great emphasis on treating our DWI clients as if they were dear friends or family members. We work your case from top to bottom and involve you in the process.
After all, one of our partners (former judge) fought his own DWI all the way through a jury trial and was found innocent in 9 minutes. We know how worrisome a DWI can be. Visit our DWI website for more information on the many different aspects of DWI cases.- Driving While Suspended or Revoked is a much more serious charge than many people realize. Simply pleading guilty to such a charge will result in a one year revocation of your license, 12 points on your driving record, and can even require mandatory jail time. In many cases, we can help you have your DWS/DWR charges amended so that you can avoid the points, the one-year revocation, and spending any time in jail. Visit our Driving While Suspended page for more information.
- Do you have a lengthy driving record, or did you just plead guilty on a traffic charge, not realizing how negatively it would affect you? If so, there's a good chance we can help. Sometimes, old convictions can be taken off your record. Similarly, a new guilty plea can frequently be withdrawn and the points taken off your record.
Additionally, some DWI laws in Missouri allow people with lengthy alcohol-related suspensions to apply to the court for Limited Driving Privileges. We handle these all the time. Call our office to see if one of these services could benefit you. 314-895-4040 - We know that Music concerts, float trips, house parties and other like-kind adventures often end with charges like "minor in possession of alcohol," "possession of marijuana/paraphernalia" and other seemingly lower level crimes. Traffic Law Counselors® deals with these on a routine basis. You never want to simply pay one of these tickets.
In fact, we cringe when we hear some attorneys act as though a municipal charge like those mentioned won't really affect your record. This is simply not the case. You don't want to risk your financial aide for school, getting a job as an EMT/nurse, or simply applying for a babysitting position. Call Traffic Law Counselors® 314-895-4040 - We get Warrants Recalled all the time. Warrants can be a real issue if you possibly forgot to pay a traffic ticket or simply have an alleged new charge against you that starts with a bond/warrant requirement. Traffic Law Counselors® has relationships with the 100 + courts in the St. Louis/Charles/Lincoln/Jefferson metro area that allow us to expedite the process of having your WARRANT RECALLED.
This can be a very nice and convenient attorney service considering that most often you will not have to go through the arrest and booking processes. Often times clients get a hold of us just before the weekend because they don't want get picked up when courts are closed and judges aren't available. If you can help it, don't wait because it can be harder on Fridays for us to get your WARRANT QUASHED. Call us if you need a Warrant recalled 314-895-4040
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